Strengthening Human Rights and Democratic Accountability
With the Country Programme 2016-2020 Denmark will, jointly with other donors and partners, support civil society organizations and independent institutions working for the improvement of the human rights situation and democratic accountability in Palestine. The protection of human rights is a strong Danish focus and is integrated in Danida’s activities around the world.
Since the Oslo Accords, support for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) has been viewed as an integrated part of the state building process. Danish support aims to reinforce accountability and human rights/international humanitarian law adherence of duty bearers and to strengthen the voice and participation of civil society organizations, representing rights holders, in democratic processes – moving towards a more pluralistic and open Palestinian society.
Alignment with the Palestinian Authority’s National Development Plan
Denmark’s assistance towards human rights and democratic accountability addresses two out of the four Strategic Objectives of the National Development Plan:
- Good governance and institution building
- Social protection and development
Danida supported programmes
The Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)
Denmark supports the ICHR in partnership with Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Norway.
The objective is to strengthen oversight and accountability from a human rights perspective within the political institutions.
The ICHR ensures that Palestinian laws and regulations as well as various departments, agencies and institutions of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO meet the requirements for safeguarding human rights, and functions as the Palestinian Ombudsman.
The State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau (SAACB)
The aim of the Danish contribution is to strengthen SAACB auditing of the local government sector to enhance the transparency, accountability and efficiency of handling incomes and expenditures. Danish funds are channelled through the EU.
Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat
The Secretariat is a joint donor program sponsored by Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. It supports the activities of Palestinian and Israeli civil society organizations in the areas of human rights and International Humanitarian Law operating in Palestine.
Danish House in Palestine (DHIP)
The Danish House in Palestine is a non-governmental organization, which facilitates cooperation between Danish and Palestinian individuals, organizations and companies, and provides more accessible cultural heritage activities to Palestinians thus strengthening Palestinian identity.
Denmark sees art and culture in a rights-based, development and growth perspective. Support for contemporary culture as well as for cultural heritage therefore constitutes an inherent part of Palestinians’ human rights and underpins state building.
The Danish House in Palestine supports contemporary culture and cultural heritage development activities in Palestine.