About Denmark
Danish culture and lifestyle
Visit www.Denmark.dk to know more about Denmark, Danish culture and lifestyle. Please note that www.Denmark.dk is also available in Arabic.
Danish Government and Politics
The political system of Denmark is that of a multi-party structure, with several parties represented in the parliament ('Folketinget').
Visit www.stm.dk to know more about the Danish government.
Visit www.thedanishparliament.dk to know more about the Danish parliament.
The Danish Royal Family
Visit www.kongehuset.dk/en if you are interested in knowing more about the Danish Royal Family.
Visit www.visitdenmark.com if you want to know more about travelling around in Denmark as a tourist.
Work in Denmark
Visit www.workindenmark.dk to know more about working in Denmark.
Education in Denmark
Visit www.studyindenmark.dk and www.nyidanmark.dk/en-GB/You-want-to-apply/Study if you are interested in studying in Denmark and want to learn more about how to apply.